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Advertisment terms and conditions

You must agree with all terms and conditions to purchase an advertisment and for Rustamware to advertise for you. Rustamware will not advertise for you if you do not agree with all terms and conditions.


1)      Advertisement costs are subject to change, but the customer will be notified immediately. It is the customer’s responsibility to cancel the advertisement contract and material that are affiliated with the payment of the advertisement.

2)      If the payment of the advertisement is not paid on time: advertisement will stop immediately, and the advertisement will not be advertised until all payments are paid and their payments are confirmed.

3)      Rustamware preserves the right to stop its customer’s advertisement at anytime.

4)      Rustamware never has to pay for anything that is affiliated with any advertisement, and terms and contracts on any circumstances.

5)      Rustamware only advertises for their customers only on the web and Rustamware is not affiliated with its customers.

6)      Rustamware only advertises on the Rustaware website for its customers.

7)      If any technical difficulties occur, customers will not be charged for their advertisement until all problems and difficulties are fixed and solved. Customers will always be notified of any problems, technical difficulties, any new offers, discounts, cancellation of advertisement contracts, and anything that is affiliated with the customer’s advertisement.

8)      Rustamware is permitted to cancel any deals, contracts, and advertisement at any time, and as always customers will be notified immediately about all cancellations. Customers are still responsible for all unfinished or unpaid payments.

9)      Rustamware will never give any of its customers information and identity to any third party, or any other organizations under any circumstances. The #1 rule at Rustamware is to keep its customers information and identity as safe as possible.

10)  Information and identity of Rustamware’s customers are kept in a highly safe and secure database that is not connect to the internet or huge servers and networks to insure the safety, security, and to keep hackers and spy ware away so they can not have any access to any information at any time or place. Our customers will never have to worry about their information, because it is in one of the most secure databases.

11)  Rustamware will send weekly and monthly e-mails to its customers about payments, payment balance, net advertisement costs, and material corresponding with any payment. Also payment due dates are posted on all e-mails.

12)  Rustamware’s customers are responsible to pay all payments on time, pay for the shipping of checks, and to pay all payments by the correct amount of cost. Rustamware is not responsible for payments lost in mail under any circumstances.

13)  To have Rustamware advertise for anyone on its website, the customer has to read and agree with all terms and contracts. To agree with terms and contracts, all terms and contracts must be signed by the paying customer. Terms and contracts must be signed by the person who is going to pay all costs of the advertisement.

14)  The customer of Rustamware can not cancel any advertisement, or contracts until all payments of affiliated costs with advertisement and contracts are fully paid and all payments are confirmed by Rustamware.

15)  For the customer to stop any advertisements advertised by Rustamware they must cancel all contracts affiliated with all advertisements.












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